Overview of the issues

Paine Field

  • Read our Fact Sheet on Paine Field.
  • Paine Field aircraft approach and departure routes. People under the flight path are affected, and the flight paths cover a lot of people.
  • Here’s a November 2011 Aerospace Competitiveness Study. It was commissioned to look into Washington State’s ability to retain Boeing 737 program in Renton. However it has comments about Paine Field; e.g. page 51, which states “A possibility if Everett campus has no space and a new campus is required, assuming space and runway are already available.” In other words, runway availability is crucial to ongoing production decisions.

Airport Economics

Original 1978 promise made by Snohomish County

  • The County promised the home-owners and communities in 1978 to limit Paine Field to land-side uses for industrial purposes (Boeing); to air-side uses to support general aviation, and committed to home-owners to strongly discourage air passenger service. This promise is embodied in the Mediated Role Determination.
  • The MRD has been reviewed AND reaffirmed 6 times in the past 30 years.

Health Issues related to Airports

Airports’ Impact on Property Values

Airports’ Impact on Property Values

  • Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) In 1994, the region debated whether to invest in a 3rd runway at Sea-Tac or find an alternative solution, such as using Paine Field as a new regional airport. The region chose to invest in the 3rd runway at Sea-Tac, at a cost of over $1.2 billion. This new runway came on-line recently, in November 2008.
  • Here’s the 1994 resolution by the PSRC showing the determination to choose Sea-Tac over Paine Field, and reaffirm the MRD.
  • The ’94 resolution states in part: “Presentations during the Regional Council’s decision process highlighted a number of these issues, and also noted additional considerations, such as existing legal agreements which establish Paine Field’s role as a general aviation airport (primarily for small planes), the impact on the significant employment in the vicinity, and the impact on schools and housing.

Long Term Air Transportation Study (LATS)